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Why the Square POS Is Still the Leader in the Market

When it comes to choosing a point of sale (POS) system for your business, there are two options: Square POS and everyone else. At the end of Q2 2020, Square POS had an impressive 48.91% market share, dominating every other POS system out there. Since its inception, Square has been a leader in the POS market and for good reason. Its business model is different from any other software out there. So, what makes Square POS so special?

It’s Free (to Download)

The aspect that catches most business owners’ attention is that Square POS is free to use. You read that right: FREE. It costs you absolutely nothing to download and use. Unlike most other POS systems, there aren’t any initial costs or monthly fees for you to worry about.

Now, Square can’t just go around giving away POS systems. What kind of business model would that be? Instead of initial costs and monthly fees, Square takes a small percentage of every transaction made through the POS—around 2.6% for most businesses, though that number can change depending on business size and the service package you choose.

You’ll also need to purchase hardware to accept payments, which is still quite affordable:

  • Tablet/smartphone magstripe reader – Free (for your first one)
  • Contactless chip reader – $49
  • Tablet stand and contactless chip reader – $169
  • POS terminal – $299
  • Register – $799

Even with the transactional fees and hardware costs, Square POS is still generally the most cost-effective solution on the market.

Customized Payment Options

Square leaves a lot of room for businesses to customize their POS to suit their needs. You can do things like open tabs, split bills over multiple cards, and accept various payment methods.

From the customer side, they can choose precalculated or custom tip options and whether they’d like to receive print or email receipts. No matter how you like to take payments, Square POS is ready.

Mobile Payments

Possibly one of the best features Square POS has to offer—aside from being free—is that it can accept payments from anywhere. Smaller readers like the magstripe reader and contactless chip reader can be connected to your data-enabled smartphone or tablet and taken anywhere your business goes.

Sell merchandise at a trade show, accept credit cards at a food truck, or sell produce at a farmer’s market. With Square POS, you’re not restricted to your brick-and-mortar store or even a Wi-Fi connection, so go forth and sell!

Square POS Offers Offline Capabilities

Mobile businesses like farmer’s markets and food trucks don’t always have access to reliable internet. With Square, you don’t have to worry about it. You can activate offline mode to store payments on the POS system and process them next time you’re connected to the internet. This also works great for areas with spotty connections. You don’t have to hold up the line while you wait for your signal to return.

The offline feature only works for higher-end readers, but the smaller readers can use the data connection on your smartphones or tablets for mobile payment processing.

More than Just a POS

As the name might suggest, most “point of sale” systems are designed to accept payments, and that’s it. But Square POS takes it a step further. Not only does it allow businesses to accept various forms of payment, but it can help you with other essential business functions as well:

  • Inventory tracking – manage stock and get regular alerts and updates
  • Employee management – time tracking, individual employee accounts, and access levels
  • Quick deposits – deposit funds as early as the next business day

Since Square POS only makes money when you complete transactions, all of these additional features are included for absolutely no cost to you, making it an affordable, comprehensive POS solution.

Top-Notch Data Security

When handling sensitive data like customer payment information, security is of the utmost importance. Square understands security and goes to incredible lengths to keep everything secure:

  • PCI-compliant hardware
  • 2-step software verification
  • Customizable access control and employee permissions
  • Payment encryption
  • Constant server monitoring

To make payments even more secure, the Square POS never stores customer information after a sale is processed. Even in the unlikely event a hacker does manage to infiltrate your system, there won’t be anything for them to steal.

Branded App Integrations

Have you ever wished you could get an app for your business? You can with Square! Square partners with app developers, like PoppinPay, to develop branded apps unique to your business. These apps integrate with Square and can be downloaded by your loyal customers from the Apple and Google Play stores.

If people want to place an order, they simply log in to the app, select the items they want, and check out. You’ll get a notification through your POS system that the order has been placed, and you can have it ready when the customer shows up. In the era of COVID-19, this feature can be quite helpful for contactless ordering.

Unbeatable Features and Security Put Square POS at the Top

With its affordability, security, and unbeatable features, it’s no wonder why businesses flock to the Square POS. It’s simply the most efficient, versatile, and cost-effective POS on the market today.

If you want to take advantage of all Square POS has to offer but want a more personalized approach, consider a branded app from PoppinPay. Our skilled designers can work with your business to upload photos, logos, and menus to make a unique app for your business. Especially with the outbreak of COVID-19, having an app that allows mobile ordering is more important than ever. Contact us to get started designing your app today.